Source code for tianshou.utils.logger.base

import typing
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Callable
from enum import StrEnum
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np

VALID_LOG_VALS_TYPE = int | Number | np.number | np.ndarray | float
# It's unfortunate, but we can't use Union type in isinstance, hence we resort to this

TRestoredData = dict[str, np.ndarray | dict[str, "TRestoredData"]]

[docs] class DataScope(StrEnum): TRAIN = "train" TEST = "test" UPDATE = "update" INFO = "info"
[docs] class BaseLogger(ABC): """The base class for any logger which is compatible with trainer.""" def __init__( self, train_interval: int = 1000, test_interval: int = 1, update_interval: int = 1000, info_interval: int = 1, exclude_arrays: bool = True, ) -> None: """:param train_interval: the log interval in log_train_data(). Default to 1000. :param test_interval: the log interval in log_test_data(). Default to 1. :param update_interval: the log interval in log_update_data(). Default to 1000. :param info_interval: the log interval in log_info_data(). Default to 1. :param exclude_arrays: whether to exclude numpy arrays from the logger's output """ super().__init__() self.train_interval = train_interval self.test_interval = test_interval self.update_interval = update_interval self.info_interval = info_interval self.exclude_arrays = exclude_arrays self.last_log_train_step = -1 self.last_log_test_step = -1 self.last_log_update_step = -1 self.last_log_info_step = -1
[docs] @abstractmethod def write(self, step_type: str, step: int, data: dict[str, VALID_LOG_VALS_TYPE]) -> None: """Specify how the writer is used to log data. :param str step_type: namespace which the data dict belongs to. :param step: stands for the ordinate of the data dict. :param data: the data to write with format ``{key: value}``. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def prepare_dict_for_logging(self, log_data: dict) -> dict[str, VALID_LOG_VALS_TYPE]: """Prepare the dict for logging by filtering out invalid data types. If necessary, reformulate the dict to be compatible with the writer. :param log_data: the dict to be prepared for logging. :return: the prepared dict. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def finalize(self) -> None: """Finalize the logger, e.g., close writers and connections."""
[docs] def log_train_data(self, log_data: dict, step: int) -> None: """Use writer to log statistics generated during training. :param log_data: a dict containing the information returned by the collector during the train step. :param step: stands for the timestep the collector result is logged. """ # TODO: move interval check to calling method if step - self.last_log_train_step >= self.train_interval: log_data = self.prepare_dict_for_logging(log_data) self.write(f"{DataScope.TRAIN}/env_step", step, log_data) self.last_log_train_step = step
[docs] def log_test_data(self, log_data: dict, step: int) -> None: """Use writer to log statistics generated during evaluating. :param log_data:a dict containing the information returned by the collector during the evaluation step. :param step: stands for the timestep the collector result is logged. """ # TODO: move interval check to calling method (stupid because log_test_data is only called from function in, not from BaseTrainer) if step - self.last_log_test_step >= self.test_interval: log_data = self.prepare_dict_for_logging(log_data) self.write(f"{DataScope.TEST}/env_step", step, log_data) self.last_log_test_step = step
[docs] def log_update_data(self, log_data: dict, step: int) -> None: """Use writer to log statistics generated during updating. :param log_data:a dict containing the information returned during the policy update step. :param step: stands for the timestep the policy training data is logged. """ # TODO: move interval check to calling method if step - self.last_log_update_step >= self.update_interval: log_data = self.prepare_dict_for_logging(log_data) self.write(f"{DataScope.UPDATE}/gradient_step", step, log_data) self.last_log_update_step = step
[docs] def log_info_data(self, log_data: dict, step: int) -> None: """Use writer to log global statistics. :param log_data: a dict containing information of data collected at the end of an epoch. :param step: stands for the timestep the training info is logged. """ if ( step - self.last_log_info_step >= self.info_interval ): # TODO: move interval check to calling method log_data = self.prepare_dict_for_logging(log_data) self.write(f"{DataScope.INFO}/epoch", step, log_data) self.last_log_info_step = step
[docs] @abstractmethod def save_data( self, epoch: int, env_step: int, gradient_step: int, save_checkpoint_fn: Callable[[int, int, int], str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Use writer to log metadata when calling ``save_checkpoint_fn`` in trainer. :param epoch: the epoch in trainer. :param env_step: the env_step in trainer. :param gradient_step: the gradient_step in trainer. :param function save_checkpoint_fn: a hook defined by user, see trainer documentation for detail. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def restore_data(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """Restore internal data if present and return the metadata from existing log for continuation of training. If it finds nothing or an error occurs during the recover process, it will return the default parameters. :return: epoch, env_step, gradient_step. """
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def restore_logged_data( log_path: str, ) -> TRestoredData: """Load the logged data from disk for post-processing. :return: a dict containing the logged data. """
[docs] class LazyLogger(BaseLogger): """A logger that does nothing. Used as the placeholder in trainer.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__()
[docs] def prepare_dict_for_logging( self, data: dict[str, VALID_LOG_VALS_TYPE], ) -> dict[str, VALID_LOG_VALS_TYPE]: return data
[docs] def write(self, step_type: str, step: int, data: dict[str, VALID_LOG_VALS_TYPE]) -> None: """The LazyLogger writes nothing."""
[docs] def finalize(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def save_data( self, epoch: int, env_step: int, gradient_step: int, save_checkpoint_fn: Callable[[int, int, int], str] | None = None, ) -> None: pass
[docs] def restore_data(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: return 0, 0, 0
[docs] @staticmethod def restore_logged_data(log_path: str) -> dict: return {}