Source code for

import warnings
from import Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Generic, Literal, TypeVar, cast

import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import torch

from import (
from import BatchProtocol
from import (
from tianshou.policy import BasePolicy
from tianshou.policy.base import TLearningRateScheduler, TrainingStats
from tianshou.utils import RunningMeanStd
from import ActorProb
from import Actor

# Dimension Naming Convention
# B - Batch Size
# A - Action
# D - Dist input (usually 2, loc and scale)
# H - Dimension of hidden, can be None

TDistFnContinuous = Callable[
    [tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]],
TDistFnDiscrete = Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.distributions.Categorical]

TDistFnDiscrOrCont = TDistFnContinuous | TDistFnDiscrete

[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True) class PGTrainingStats(TrainingStats): loss: SequenceSummaryStats
TPGTrainingStats = TypeVar("TPGTrainingStats", bound=PGTrainingStats)
[docs] class PGPolicy(BasePolicy[TPGTrainingStats], Generic[TPGTrainingStats]): """Implementation of REINFORCE algorithm. :param actor: the actor network following the rules: If `self.action_type == "discrete"`: (`s_B` ->`action_values_BA`). If `self.action_type == "continuous"`: (`s_B` -> `dist_input_BD`). :param optim: optimizer for actor network. :param dist_fn: distribution class for computing the action. Maps model_output -> distribution. Typically a Gaussian distribution taking `model_output=mean,std` as input for continuous action spaces, or a categorical distribution taking `model_output=logits` for discrete action spaces. Note that as user, you are responsible for ensuring that the distribution is compatible with the action space. :param action_space: env's action space. :param discount_factor: in [0, 1]. :param reward_normalization: if True, will normalize the *returns* by subtracting the running mean and dividing by the running standard deviation. Can be detrimental to performance! See TODO in process_fn. :param deterministic_eval: if True, will use deterministic action (the dist's mode) instead of stochastic one during evaluation. Does not affect training. :param observation_space: Env's observation space. :param action_scaling: if True, scale the action from [-1, 1] to the range of action_space. Only used if the action_space is continuous. :param action_bound_method: method to bound action to range [-1, 1]. Only used if the action_space is continuous. :param lr_scheduler: if not None, will be called in `policy.update()`. .. seealso:: Please refer to :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy` for more detailed explanation. """ def __init__( self, *, actor: torch.nn.Module | ActorProb | Actor, optim: torch.optim.Optimizer, dist_fn: TDistFnDiscrOrCont, action_space: gym.Space, discount_factor: float = 0.99, # TODO: rename to return_normalization? reward_normalization: bool = False, deterministic_eval: bool = False, observation_space: gym.Space | None = None, # TODO: why change the default from the base? action_scaling: bool = True, action_bound_method: Literal["clip", "tanh"] | None = "clip", lr_scheduler: TLearningRateScheduler | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( action_space=action_space, observation_space=observation_space, action_scaling=action_scaling, action_bound_method=action_bound_method, lr_scheduler=lr_scheduler, ) if action_scaling and not np.isclose(actor.max_action, 1.0): warnings.warn( "action_scaling and action_bound_method are only intended" "to deal with unbounded model action space, but find actor model" f"bound action space with max_action={actor.max_action}." "Consider using unbounded=True option of the actor model," "or set action_scaling to False and action_bound_method to None.", ) = actor self.optim = optim self.dist_fn = dist_fn assert 0.0 <= discount_factor <= 1.0, "discount factor should be in [0, 1]" self.gamma = discount_factor self.rew_norm = reward_normalization self.ret_rms = RunningMeanStd() self._eps = 1e-8 self.deterministic_eval = deterministic_eval
[docs] def process_fn( self, batch: RolloutBatchProtocol, buffer: ReplayBuffer, indices: np.ndarray, ) -> BatchWithReturnsProtocol: r"""Compute the discounted returns (Monte Carlo estimates) for each transition. They are added to the batch under the field `returns`. Note: this function will modify the input batch! .. math:: G_t = \sum_{i=t}^T \gamma^{i-t}r_i where :math:`T` is the terminal time step, :math:`\gamma` is the discount factor, :math:`\gamma \in [0, 1]`. :param batch: a data batch which contains several episodes of data in sequential order. Mind that the end of each finished episode of batch should be marked by done flag, unfinished (or collecting) episodes will be recognized by buffer.unfinished_index(). :param buffer: the corresponding replay buffer. :param numpy.ndarray indices: tell batch's location in buffer, batch is equal to buffer[indices]. """ v_s_ = np.full(indices.shape, self.ret_rms.mean) # gae_lambda = 1.0 means we use Monte Carlo estimate unnormalized_returns, _ = self.compute_episodic_return( batch, buffer, indices, v_s_=v_s_, gamma=self.gamma, gae_lambda=1.0, ) # TODO: overridden in A2C, where mean is not subtracted. Subtracting mean # can be very detrimental! It also has no theoretical grounding. # This should be addressed soon! if self.rew_norm: batch.returns = (unnormalized_returns - self.ret_rms.mean) / np.sqrt( self.ret_rms.var + self._eps, ) self.ret_rms.update(unnormalized_returns) else: batch.returns = unnormalized_returns batch: BatchWithReturnsProtocol return batch
[docs] def forward( self, batch: ObsBatchProtocol, state: dict | BatchProtocol | np.ndarray | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> DistBatchProtocol: """Compute action over the given batch data by applying the actor. Will sample from the dist_fn, if appropriate. Returns a new object representing the processed batch data (contrary to other methods that modify the input batch inplace). .. seealso:: Please refer to :meth:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy.forward` for more detailed explanation. """ # TODO - ALGO: marked for algorithm refactoring action_dist_input_BD, hidden_BH =, state=state, # in the case that self.action_type == "discrete", the dist should always be Categorical, and D=A # therefore action_dist_input_BD is equivalent to logits_BA # If discrete, dist_fn will typically map loc, scale to a distribution (usually a Gaussian) # the action_dist_input_BD in that case is a tuple of loc_B, scale_B and needs to be unpacked dist = self.dist_fn(action_dist_input_BD) act_B = ( dist.mode if self.deterministic_eval and not self.is_within_training_step else dist.sample() ) # act is of dimension BA in continuous case and of dimension B in discrete result = Batch(logits=action_dist_input_BD, act=act_B, state=hidden_BH, dist=dist) return cast(DistBatchProtocol, result)
# TODO: why does mypy complain?
[docs] def learn( # type: ignore self, batch: BatchWithReturnsProtocol, batch_size: int | None, repeat: int, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> TPGTrainingStats: losses = [] split_batch_size = batch_size or -1 for _ in range(repeat): for minibatch in batch.split(split_batch_size, merge_last=True): self.optim.zero_grad() result = self(minibatch) dist = result.dist act = to_torch_as(minibatch.act, result.act) ret = to_torch(minibatch.returns, torch.float, result.act.device) log_prob = dist.log_prob(act).reshape(len(ret), -1).transpose(0, 1) loss = -(log_prob * ret).mean() loss.backward() self.optim.step() losses.append(loss.item()) loss_summary_stat = SequenceSummaryStats.from_sequence(losses) return PGTrainingStats(loss=loss_summary_stat) # type: ignore[return-value]