Welcome to Tianshou!¶
Tianshou (天授) is a reinforcement learning platform based on pure PyTorch. Unlike existing reinforcement learning libraries, which are mainly based on TensorFlow, have many nested classes, unfriendly API, or slow-speed, Tianshou provides a fast-speed framework and pythonic API for building the deep reinforcement learning agent. The supported interface algorithms include:
Imitation LearningDiscreteBCQPolicy
Discrete Batch-Constrained deep Q-Learning
Here is Tianshou’s other features:
Elegant framework, using only ~3000 lines of code
State-of-the-art MuJoCo benchmark
Support parallel environment simulation (synchronous or asynchronous) for all algorithms: Parallel Sampling
Support recurrent state representation in actor network and critic network (RNN-style training for POMDP): RNN-style Training
Support any type of environment state/action (e.g. a dict, a self-defined class, …): User-defined Environment and Different State Representation
Support Customize Training Process
Support n-step returns estimation
and prioritized experience replayPrioritizedReplayBuffer
for all Q-learning based algorithms; GAE, nstep and PER are very fast thanks to numba jit function and vectorized numpy operationSupport Multi-Agent RL
Comprehensive unit tests, including functional checking, RL pipeline checking, documentation checking, PEP8 code-style checking, and type checking
中文文档位于 https://tianshou.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/
Tianshou is currently hosted on PyPI and conda-forge. It requires Python >= 3.6.
You can simply install Tianshou from PyPI with the following command:
$ pip install tianshou
If you use Anaconda or Miniconda, you can install Tianshou from conda-forge through the following command:
$ conda -c conda-forge install tianshou
You can also install with the newest version through GitHub:
$ pip install git+https://github.com/thu-ml/tianshou.git@master --upgrade
After installation, open your python console and type
import tianshou
If no error occurs, you have successfully installed Tianshou.
Tianshou is still under development, you can also check out the documents in stable version through tianshou.readthedocs.io/en/stable/.